Loans are paid back with interest to Lender. A percent charge to the amount of money you received that you pay back to the entity that loaned you money. Example: You get a $50,000 loan with a 10 year pay off at 5% annual interest rate. Year 1: $50,000 x 5% = $2,500 Interest If no payments are made, then most lenders include unpaid interest into the principle and Year 2 will be 52,500 x 5% = $2,625 Interest. The way to pay the least amount of interest is to pay off the loan as fast as possible. Achieve this by paying more than the monthly payment due, if you can. Example: Same $50k loan, 10 yr pay off, 5% interest. A. You pay the minimum amount of $500 a month for 10 years = $16,276.24 interest B. You pay $825 a month for 5 years = $9,065.85, which is ($7,210.39 or 44.30% less than A) C. You pay double the minimum $1,000 a month for 4 years = $7,506.50 ($8,769.74 or 53.88% less than A) Info from "Success Strategies & Repayment Real...
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