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Showing posts from 2014

Failure is an Important Element of Success

"Failure is one of the most important elements for both business success and personal growth."          - Matthew Furey  Image From: I have failed many times, but I am not afraid to fail,  because I know I will succeed in everything I do.   I've seen my future and it is inevitable success .

Book notes from: The Great Depression: A Diary, by Benjamin Roth (2009)

Roth 's book c ompares the economic conditions in 1873 to 1929-1934: The 1873 panic was preceded by Civil War- then 8 or 9 years of hectic prosperity, speculation, rising prices, corruption in government- and then sudden panic, bank closings, etc. Organized movements to stop foreclosures. Wild schemes to inflate currency. "The panic of 1873 lasted 5-6 years," and the Great Depression started in Fall 1929 and lasted through the early to mid 1930's, in which 4 years were hard until they started seeing true signs of recovery.

You really don't need more stuff

How Moving to New York City Turned Me into a Minimalist by Lauren Jimeson "I decluttered not only our apartment, but most things in our life... I was learning the true value of simplicity - and I loved it." What is your perfect living space?

The Disciplined Credit Card User

Got a round trip ticket from Chicago to Paris free by using travel credits card regularly and paying off the balance monthly. Celebrating life wins!

Key to Success to

Continue to live like a college student after graduation Afford the things you want and don't care what others think of you Invest, save, and live below your means Align what I value with my financial choices Staying debt free and cover my monthly expenses - Payoff all balances, save, invest, and plan.   Living a healthy lifestyle - Set health goals and work toward them daily. Time with family - Job doesn't interfere with family activities. continue to work toward FI. Hike and trail run in the mountains - Prioritize time to do this